Wednesday, January 16, 2008

BRANDED: In Game Advertising (Part II)

The idea of developing in-game brands has always intrigued me. That Nike could develop an in game product that would a recognized as a broader extension of their corporate identity raises interesting possibilities for cross promotion. I believe the key to developing a successful corporate brand is also the very thing that will allow this form of advertising to flourish: gamer incentives.

Let's explore.

Picking up from the prior post on this subject, let's say our hero has acquired a King's Sword of Nike. Nike, seeking to obtain greater exposure to this particular demographic, has paid an undetermined amount for the right to this modifier. Perhaps it has even orchestrated a multi-game deal, which will entail the inclusion of the weaponry in all subsequent expansions. Further, Nike, being a large corporation, had the means to purchase an entire Nike oriented set, composed of five pieces. Nike enjoys some recognition as a result of this investment. Now, we could end the relationship there, and I suspect that the dividends for all involved would be minimal and the system wouldn't develop into a meaningful advertising enterprise. We need to create feedback loops.

Player Ragnus acquires a King's Sword of Nike. As this is a somewhat powerful weapon he is excited about new avenues now open to him in game. Ragnus also realizes that this is a corporate product though, and recognizes the out-game benefits it provides. You see, a fresh King's Sword of Nike provides him with a 1% discount at the Nike Store. By using this weapon to perform certain specified feats he may raise this discount to 3%. At any time he may triple click his sword and instantly pull up a Nike Store menu reflecting his discounts.

But it gets better, because Ragnus just dominated the Nubmaster of the Forest of Noobdungeon has has acquired the Magnificent Cape of Nike. He now gets a set bonus from acquiring two pieces of the Nike equipment set and an additional discount at the Nike store, which also may increased through certain actions. Should Ragnus acquire a full set, he receives significant in-game bonuses as well as substantial discounts at the Nike Store. Nike may also offer additional perks, such as free gear or sweepstakes opportunities if it so chooses.

By adding this additional layer of incentives, corporations will receive increased renown and traffic flow as a result of their branding efforts. Players will receive additional perks for doing what they were already doing: grinding. Game companies will be well compensated for the effort required to develop a seamless in-game/out-game interface. It's just a beautiful synergy of capitalism.

If none of this works, at the very least it would be cool if I could get a pair of elven boots with a Nike swoosh on it. I'm a simple man.

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